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14 May

Conference: Inclusive Processes Within Performing Arts

Danssamverkan Sydsverige welcomes you to a day of professional development within the field of accessibility and inclusive practice.

Danssamverkan Sydsverige is a collaborative group of performing arts institutions working to develop various aspects within production and development within the field. This day is dedicated to increase accessibility within the performing arts. The conference program will through experts in the field help you to dismantle limiting barriers, increase your knowledge, develop methods and increase opportunities for persons with disabilities to take part in the cultural sectors as audience as well as artists and artistic creators.

Danssamverkan Sydsverige works nationally to increase awareness of how much work still needs to be done. The five partner institutions are dedicated to artistic and social excellence, justice and universal inclusion, accessibility and accountability. We understand that creative potential is inherent in diversity. To challenge our differences helps us understand the complexity today's reality.

The conference ticket includes lunch and snacks during the day. Information regarding diets and allergies will be requested shortly before the conference.

For ticket purchases through invoice, please contact us via email to ekonomi@skanesdansteater.se

Please note: The conference will be held in spoken Swedish and English and will be interpreted to Swedish sign language.

The conference Inclusive Processes Within Performing Arts is a part of the project Europe Beyond Access co-financed by the Creative Europe program of the European Union.*

Conference Program

11:00–11:15 Welcome
Danssamverkan Sydsverige inaugurates the conference.

11:15–12:15 From Darkness to Success with Fatmir Seremeti.
– Welcoming, service and accessibility. Unconditional hosting.
A lecture in spoken Swedish.

12:15–13:15 Lunch

13:15–13:55 Time to Act and Learning Journeys with Filip Pawlak.
Presentation of the learning journeys and research reports Time to Act authored by On the Move, commissioned by British Council, within the context of Europe Beyond Access – the world’s largest transnational Arts & Disability project. Co-funded by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union, Europe Beyond Access supports disabled artists to break the glass ceilings of the contemporary theatre and dance sectors.
A lecture in spoken English.

14:05–15:00. Accessible production process with Caroline Bowditch.
A lecture in spoken English.

15:00–15:30 Coffee break.

15:30–16:45 Panel discussion: practical tips and advice on accessibility.
Sandra Johansson, Managing Director, Moomsteatern.
Sanna Holmgren Jonsson, Artistic director, about working with Freja Musikteater.
Jan Hansen, Producer, ShareMusic & Performing Arts about "Access riders".
Kit Brown, Dancer, Skånes Dansteater about the "Quick Trust" method.
Marie Norrthon, Project Manager, Skånes Dansteater about "Relaxed Performances".

16:45–17:00 Finishing notes.

Danssamverkan Sydsverige consists of Byteatern Kalmar Länsteater, Regionteatern Blekinge Kronoberg, Smålands Musik & Teater/Kulturhuset Spira, Rum för Dans and Skånes Dansteater.

* Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

About the key note speakers

14 May
Skånes Dansteater
