Kompositören och musikern Tim Palm med rött skägg och turkos tshirt sitter framför ett stort mixerbord.
14 May

Concert: Tim Palm

A live, improvisational, house / electronica concert in connection with the conference Inclusive performing art processes.

Tim Palm sheds light on what many believe is fundamental to house culture. That of music coming to life in interaction with the listener, creating a place for those seeking to connect. With over 100,000 followers and 50 million views to date, Tim continues to connect people all over the world.

Through a distinctive and playful process, he creates soundscapes and captures melodies that stand out. Joy and intimacy radiating from the artistic process that Tim and his team have created to everyone enjoying the music.

Tim Palm has performed live in London, Helsinki, Seoul, Enköping and Stockholm. He opens up a world where musical boundaries dissolve and genres intertwine. A beacon in the evolution of electronic music, blending the sophistication of house music with the raw vitality of human expression.

Come and dance or sit and listen!

Performers: Tim Palm and Sven Johansson.

The concert is a part of the project Europe Beyond Access co-financed by the Creative Europe program of the European Union.

14 May
Skånes Dansteater
60 mins
Musikern och kompositören Tim Palm ler i musikstudion.
Musikern och kompositören Tim Palm i arbete i musikstudion.
