Emma Välimäki
Dancer at Skånes Dansteater since 2018.
Emma was born in Nokia, Finland.
She started taking classes in ballet and jazz dance at Tampere Conservatorium and worked with Dance Theater MD, before she moved to Germany to have her professional dance education at Iwanson International in Munich. Besides her studies she worked with Strado Compagia Danza in Ulm, and choreographer Minka Heiss in Heidelberg.
After graduating Emma joined Dance Company Nanine Linning for two years. She continued dancing in Amsterdam (with choreographers Uri Ivgi, Johan Greben and Liat Waysbort) after backpacking in Peru for 2 months.
As a dancer at Skånes Dansteater, Emma has been involved in productions such as 'in:finite', 'Transit', 'Once a Whisper' (part of 'Franzén/Nuutinen'), 'Don't, Kiss .Skånes', 'Mozarts Requiem' and 'Out of the Blue'.