Friends of Skånes Dansteater
We are convinced that a flourishing cultural sector and a vibrant performing arts scene are a cornerstone of a socially sustainable society. Skånes Dansteaters vänner (Friends of Skånes Dansteater) offers an easy way
for companies and individuals who love culture and dance to support our activities.
Thank you
3D Prima
Advokatfirman VICI
Affärsnätverket Mersmak för affärer
Davego, Städ- och servicetjänster
Elite Hotels Malmö
Er-Ho Bygg AB
Ericsson & Partners Förmögenhetsförvaltning
First Class Travel
Hellas Food & Kitchen
Kensulting Redovisning
Mariebergs Brasvärme & Solenergi i Malmö
Mersmak Kök & Catering
Skånska Travsällskapet
Tegelmäster i Skåne
Vollsjö Tryck
Let's be friends!
As a thank you for your contribution, your name will be visible in our foyer and on our website. Once every six months, you will have the opportunity to meet other friends and Skånes Dansteater's artistic director over breakfast.
Company: 3000 kr ex VAT/year
Private person: 3000 kr inc VAT/year
The membership includes
- Your name displayed in the list of friends on the digital screen in the foyer.
- Your name displayed in the list of friends on our website.
- Offer of 2 tickets for the price of 1 for two events per year.
- Friendship breakfast every six months with information about the coming half year at Skånes Dansteater.
Do you want to make a donation to support Skånes Dansteater's mission?
Email info@skanesdansteater.se and we will send you an invoice.